Sonrise Baptist Church Missionaries

Praises and Prayer Requests

The Johnsons : Missionaries to Dominican Republic  


- The Lord has blessed our outreach!

- Celebrated 15 years of ministry!


Prayer Request :

- Salvation for recent visitors.

- Physical and spiritual health of family.

- Chool year for our 11th, 9th, 7th, and 5th grade kids.

- Upcoming semianry classes and students.





The Kariuki Family: Missionaries in Kenya 

Praises : 

- The Lord is continuing to build His Church.

- New people are coming to our services




Prayer Requests:

- Spritiual growth for those that have just been saved.

- Pray for Tracy and I as we prepare ourselves to teach at the Bible collage this third term.

- Raising money for phase 2 in our church property. 





The Gerosins : Missionaries to Colombia 


- 22 people saved!

- Old building in process of being sold!

-Building project fund growing!



Prayer Requests: 

- More souls saved and baptized.

- Funds for new building.

- Church sale to close soon.


Sonrise-sent Missionaries

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